Wednesday, 11 November 2015


the bottom one loads eventually 


  1. WWW - Great Rotoscoping work well done.
    EBI - Can you give 2 advantages and disadvantages of each of the animation techniques.
    1. Rotoscopng
    2. Tweening
    3. Onion Skinning

    Which one would you choose to use and why?

  2. Advantage on rotoscoping: gives a realistic effect and looks good, tweening makes objects appear smoother than moving something frame by frame, and onion skinning is good because you can see where the last frame is so there can be a smoother transition and you can see the frames before and after.

    Disadvantage: rotoscoping can be very long winded, and time consuming, tweening is maybe a little unrealistic, as it is never that smooth in real life, and finally, onion skinning is hard to do and tedious.
